+1 671-654-2933


Axe Murderer Tours
Rental Gear Prices

 Full Set (Weight Integrated BCD, Regulator with Integrated Computer, Weights) 

  • $28 with weight integrated BCD
Computer  (Wrist or Gauge Integrated)
  • $11
Air Tanks 
  • $5.50 - C80, C60
  • $8 – C100
  • $12.75 – Nitrox S80 rental (up to 32%)
Snorkel Gear
  • $18 - Mask with Snorkel, Fins, Boots

 Ask us about our Elite Rental Gear - TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!


 Gear Packages for Every Diver & Every Budget 

Elite Rental Gear – Try Before you Buy!
Interested in buying a new set of dive gear, but want to try the gear before you buy it? We have a selection of Elite Rental Gear, including Zeagle Ranger, Stiletto and Zena BCDs, Atomic Z3 regulators, Zeagle Envoy and Onyx regulators, and Suunto computers available for rental. If you end up buying a set, we will credit the cost of the rental to your purchase!